Saturday, December 11, 2010

The scoop on spooning...

I've mentioned before that Chicken eats from a spoon that we "load" for her. Some people who choose to BLW forgo the spoon altogether until their baby can load the spoon and therefore use it with total independence. Personally, I like offering Chicken yogurt, thick creamy soups, cottage cheese and cereal with the option to either eat from a spoon or dive in with her hands. Chicken's dad or I scoop up a spoonful of food and pass the spoon to her. She is getting quite good at getting the spoon to her mouth. Often, she ends up grabbing the bowl part of the spoon with her other hand, but it's all part of the learning process. She loves chewing on the spoon, particularly when she has teeth ready to break through. We're working on keeping the spoon on Chicken's tray between spoonfuls and when she's finished. Sadly, we've already lost two spoons that were licked clean with a bit too much vigor (AKA chewing!) by our pups.


  1. She looks like a pro! I like how at about the 1:15 mark she picks up the spoon and is like, "hello, this is empty," and when you don't fill her up right away she throws it on the floor. :)

  2. that was awesome. such a funny video!!! I love how she was waving the spoon around like "hello!" and then grabs it immediately lol. And then shoves two giant pieces of mango (?) in her mouth lol.

  3. yup. mango is a favorite around here! very healthy too!
