The other funny thing she's been doing is eating foods off a spoon that she won't eat otherwise. If her dad or I put peas, green beans, etc on a spoon, she'll eat them. She's also been trying to place bits of food on her spoon and eat things that way. I need to do some research about how to help her eat with utensils. She seems happier eating from a spoon than with her hands these days.
I guess it's good that she does so well with a spoon. She's had a nasty cold for a few days and has had difficult nursing and less appetite than usual for solids. I've been giving her purees whenever I can as an attempt to get some good stuff in her.
Today's menu:
breakfast -2 strips of blueberry pancake (frozen from a weekend a breakfast weeks ago), yogurt, blueberries, pureed pears
lunch - bits of rotisserie chicken, green beans, some bits of leftover salmon, the rest of the pears
dinner- a few tastes of shredded pork, some mixed vegetables, organic tater tots, some spoonfuls of pureed carrots