Monday, January 24, 2011

You take the good. You take the bad.

It's been a while since my last post. I was sick and we were consumed with playoff football. :) A few things are going on here in our little BLW world.

The good:
  • Chicken is getting so good at picking up little pieces! I served her avocado today and it was a little over ripe so I put it on a spoon and she kept picking the pieces off to eat them with her fingers (pictured above).
  • She rarely tosses her spoon on the floor anymore.
  • We went out to breakfast last week and Chicken was such a lovely dining companion. She gobbled up everything we offered her: fruit, eggs, avocado, toast...She was happy as a clam.
  • We've been working on two signs with Chicken. She's doing a great job mimicking the sign for "finished", although we're not sure that she really means "finished" when she does it...
  • She LOVED her breakfast this morning. She ate twice as much oatmeal as she has in the past. I made instant organic oats and mixed in some pear butter and cinnamon. Yum!
  • Chicken devoured chicken at dinner tonight. I was brave enough to give her a big piece and let her deal with it. She bit off some pieces that were making me nervous, but she worked on them in her mouth or spit them out and tore them into smaller bits.
The bad:
  • Chicken is in a phase (I hope it's a phase!!!!) of throwing lots of food on the floor.
  • She is on a vegetable strike, unless they're pureed that is. She has somehow figured out what foods are vegetables without tasting them. She picks through whatever is on her tray and tosses the veggies. Grrr!!
  • The signing of "finished" and "more" is frustrating for me because I'm not really sure if she's signing or just playing with her hands. If I miss the "finished" sign, I think it leads to more food on the floor.
And, just because I feel like I haven't posted in a while -
Here's what Chicken ate today:
Breakfast: oatmeal w/ pear butter and cinnamon, melon, blueberries
Lunch: rice cake, avocado, mango (LOTS of avocado and mango!)
Dinner: chicken, orzo with pesto, and maybe a bite of carrot that she ate accidentally...

1 comment:

  1. I tried giving my 7 month old small pieces of cooked carrots- he wanted nothing to do with it- but he loves carrot puree. I honestly think it's a laziness thing- he doesn't want to work for his food! Ha!
