The problem is, she doesn't like green vegetables. She tosses big pieces of broccoli to the side, spits the little ones out, waves asparagus at me like, "Uh...what is this thing?"
I think the big problem is that we're in a weird in-between time with regards to handling food and actually eating it. Chicken hasn't yet developed a pincer grasp (using thumb and forefinger to pick up tiny objects one by one) so peas are frustrating, as are tiny pieces of anything that I cut up. Big pieces of vegetables or whole pieces, like green beans) are hard to bite with her four (ok, 3 1/2) teeth. Or maybe she just doesn't like the taste of them...She eats beets and mushrooms for crying out loud. Why not a bean?? To her credit, she grabs the spoon from my hand to shovel pureed carrots, beans, peas, etc into her mouth but that's no fun!
Obviously this situation causes me agita. It shouldn't. We have years and years ahead of us to taste vegetables in their many shapes, sizes, textures and flavors. So, for now, I'll keep offering her big pieces, little pieces, raw pieces, cooked pieces (one fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish). I'll offer her pureed vegetables too so that I don't lay awake at night worrying that she'll going to grow up to only eat Twinkies and pork rinds.
Ok so I was a little far behind in reading the last few posts, so I'm going to comment on several! First, my mom also always made homemade soups, so I cringe at the thought of store bought soup. In fact (other than tomato soup which I hate in large quantities while pregant) I don't think I've had a can of soup in a long long time. That being said, I am now facing the dilemna with Lydia now here that I never took the time in the past 10 years to learn how to cook healthy more complicated things like soup...so it's going to be a struggle for me in the coming years because I want that for her. The other issue is time! I have no time. I love the idea of BLW but definitely do not have the time for that. My next best option is to make her baby foods at home, but that means seeking out all organic foods and making batches of food on weekends. Right now I'm just paying $$$$ for Natures Harvest organic baby food. You'll have to share some tips on best less expensive organics. Some books say to not even bother trying to find your own spinach or green beans b/c of all the chemicals, that the organic places do this for you. Not sure who to believe. I'm pretty much finding that this is yet again going to take a lot of time and research :) And this weekend a task is to find a good book on organic purees and making your own baby food at home! *Sigh* At least I got a nice food processor for xmas :)
ReplyDeleteYay for lots to comment on. :)
ReplyDeleteI will say a few things -
1- Making your own purees will probably take more time than BLW, but I can see how committing to BLW would be challenging while working. I'm going to devote a post to how to modify it etc.
2- Organics make me crazy! I end up going to a bunch of different stores and pacing the aisles trying to get decent looking organic vegs without needing a 2nd mortgage. I'd say honestly, don't bother too much with spinach b/c babies can't metabolize the good stuff in it yet so it's just ruffage (?). I buy Gerber organic baby food when it's on sale. This week it's 4/$5 or something for the 2 packs so I'll buy a whole bunch. Also -look for frozen organic vegetables - especially if you're pureeing anyway. The only thing you lose with frozen is texture so it's great for purees.
3 - Want my chicken soup recipe? It's pretty easy especially if you do the shortcut I do sometimes and use rotisserie chicken (not organic, but they're 2/$10 on Fridays where I shop).
I came across your blog yesterday & read the whole thing last night! I have a little boy who will be 7 months on the 17th. We started purees right before 6 months old. I have always wanted to try "real" food, and now feel a little more confident after reading your blog. The choking thing kinda freaks me out, but obviously, he would be supervised. What do you recommed I start with? He has tried pretty much every puree under the sun & likes everything except greens!
ReplyDeleteHi Megan -
ReplyDeleteYay for you finding us! You can really start with anything as long as the size is right. The key is making sure he has something to hold on to. Baked sweet potato fries are good and so are spears of steamed broccoli.
Here are some links that will help you too. Please feel free to ask me questions and definitely check back in on Chicken! :)