Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

Wow. 2011! It's hard to believe...Chicken was in my belly in 2009, born in 2010 and here we are in 2011. We rung the new year in with some friends and family. Chicken indulged a bit, enjoying some pizza crust and a crostini spread with some yummy herb cheese. She also ate some pureed green beans, so that I wouldn't feel too guilty...

The new calendar year has never struck me as a time of new beginnings, probably because I taught for eight years and the new school year was much more significant. But, now that I'm home with Chicken, I'll join the bandwagon of folks with big plans for the new year. Aside from my personal goals for the year, I have some that relate to Chicken's food journey directly.

1 - Figure out how to buy more organic without going broke.
Is this one even possible?? I often find myself getting dizzy trying to compare prices and decide how to spend less but still buy what healthiest for Chicken. Anyone with a baby knows that shopping trips should NOT include wasted time debating what to buy!

2- Try some recipes from other cuisines and cultures.
I really want Chicken to be exposed to spices and flavors that are interesting and different. I'm not sure that her dad will love this plan, but I'm going to try anyway. My mom never "dumbed down" meals to appeal to me, just because I was a child. We ate tons of vegetables and often worked our way through whatever new cookbook she'd purchased...I even recall about of month of recipes involving bulgar wheat!

3- Relax and be flexible.
Ok, this should be my goal all the time, regarding everything. But, it's especially important regarding BLW. Sometimes I find myself panicking (not a far reach for me, if you know me...) about what to make for dinner or what Chicken and I should have for lunch. Of course, I want to offer her healthy options and make something that her dad will enjoy. Luckily, she's a baby and will play with (and perhaps ingest!) pretty much anything I put in front of her without judging me...So, a lunch of a slice of cheese, some pear, and hummus on a rice cake is perfectly fine for her even if she had the same thing the day before.
I tend to get myself worked up about whether something I gave her is the cause for whatever is or is not in her diaper. I need to remember that as long as she's not in discomfort and is not dehydrated, she'll more than likely work it out for herself!

4- Keep my eye on the prize.
The prize, in this case, is a healthy, happy baby. Sometimes I beat myself up because she doesn't "eat" anything at dinner, but rather plays with it all, or because she spits out broccoli every time she tastes it. BLWing does not ensure that Chicken is going to LOVE vegetables and eat like a grown up. I need to remember that!

I have a lot on my mind, as usual, that I want to post about when I have some time...Check back for some confessions, tips for busy moms who want to try BLW and my thoughts on soup. Woohoo! :)

1 comment:

  1. Do you guys have farmers markets near you? Those are my favorite for fresh, healthy fruits and veggies. And they are usually local too, which is an added benefit for the earth! I still haven't mastered the art of buying enough to get me through the week without ending us throwing some away (mostly because everything looks and smells delish when I'm there), but I'm working on it!

    Also let me know if you want to try any recipes I've posted about. One book I have has a lot of Indian/Asian influence so it might be good for Chicken!
