Thursday, November 18, 2010

It is Fall afterall...

When starting BLW (also known as BLS - Baby Led Solids- by the way), it's important to offer food in shapes and sizes that an infant can handle easily and safely. Books, websites and other parents recommend "french-fry shaped" foods that are about two inches long. This allows the infant to grasp one end in his or her fist and still have some sticking out to put in his or her mouth. That's what we've been doing for the past six weeks or so. I'm noticing lately, though, that Chicken is really interested in the little chunks that are left on her tray.
Thus, the title of today's post...Chicken has become pretty skilled at raking. No, although her daddy would love if she raked the leaves in the yard, we're talking about about raking up objects with her hands. Not only that, but she does things with both hands. It's really cool to see her using her developing motor skills and hand-eye coordination to feed herself.Although this makes me worried (a little) about her choking, I'm doing my best to trust her while also being prepared should she need rescuing. Chicken is excellent at working food around in her mouth and spitting out what she doesn't want or doesn't feel she can swallow.
You'll see that she uses both hands to rake up food, shimmy the food to her mouth and then she spits out whatever she doesn't swallow (or drop). Check her out in action...

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