So, we started a couple of weeks before Chicken turned 6 months old. I'd read a bit online but wasn't feeling totally confident. I'm pretty sure these are the photos of Chicken's first experiences eating, aside from the banana and watermelon that she snagged while boating with Grandpa and Grandma.
She started with some sweet potato (I think) and banana. Cucumber was also an early arrival on the eating scene. It turns out that both of these are favorites of teething babies...banana because the peel is a wonderful texture for gumming and cucumber because it's cool and refreshing (Think cucumber slices on your eyes at the spa...AAHHH...).
You may notice that the first banana introduced got no love. It turns out banana is very hard to pick up peel-less especially with tiny, drool-covered hands. Banana with peel is easy to pick up but not very filling if only the peel gets nibbled. We both learned a lot those first few days and now banana is served with its nature-given handle and enough peel removed so that it looks like an ice cream cone. Perfect! (For now...)

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